Astra Recharge contains high-strength Astragalus to support healthy immune system function.
Astra Recharge contains Siberian ginseng to support mental focus and stamina. Siberian ginseng also relieves feelings of general debility and fatigue.
Astra Recharge is specifically formulated with Holixer™ plus Astragalus to support a healthy stress response in the body.
Holixer™ is a clinically trialled form of Holy basil that relieves symptoms of stress and promotes the body’s adaptation to stress*.
Astra Recharge contains Reishi, a mushroom with antioxidant activity, traditionally used in Chinese medicine as an expectorant to clear respiratory tract mucus and relieve cough.
*Lopresti, A. L. et al. (2022). Frontiers in Nutrition, 9, 965130.