In the bible, Kaio has one overarching meaning, and that's to set something alight. There is no more fitting name for a pre workout that could set your workouts on fire with an explosive formulation. Kaio Pump & Performance by Klout is the 3 in 1 formulation to take your stack to the next level with everything you need for a successful workout, without the stims.
Kaio Pump & Performance by Klout includes ingredients to support determination, pump and a prolonged workout session. This means you are getting a pump support, an intra workout and a pre workout in one delicious formulation. All this in an open label formulation with patented ingredients that allows you to trust what you are putting in your body prior to a big session.
It's not only an amazingly designed exercise supplement that Kaio Pump & Performance offers, Klout has focused on EVERYTHING. That means packaging that looks as good as the formulation that it includes. So not only will you look the part, but so will your supplement!